4Anime - Watch Anime Online Free
4anime is the safest site to watch English Subbed and Dubbed anime online for free. This is the best place to enjoy your favorite shows as we provide HD quality, fast loading speed, optimized UI and UX, excellent customer service, and many more. With a high video quality, your anime world will become more real and lively than ever. No matter what you are looking for, you are highly likely to find it here on 4anime.
We have thousands of anime shows covering all genres and subgenres with titles you cannot find on traditional American channels, such as adult hentai. Start your endless anime journey with us today!
Free to Watch Anime Online
At 4anime, you can watch and download thousands of titles with subs and dubs from safe sources such as mp4upload, vidstream, streamtape, or mycloud. You can check out the "Favorite Anime" section for the most popular anime shows worldwide. There are hundreds of free anime sites but most of them provide poor-quality copies and carry risks of viruses and malware. Choose 4anime for a safe and excellent streaming experience with our HD quality, fast load times, and the ad-free feature.
Anything Wrong with 4anime?
Anime's popularity is on a sharp rise recently and it is mainly thanks to the promotion of Japanese media like newspapers and television. As a result, there are more and more free anime sites coming on the scene. 4anime has been a safe place for millions of anime lovers worldwide for years, and so far we have not received any complaints regarding our security. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with 4anime and you can put aside all your fears to enjoy your favorite anime on our site.
Why 4anime.to is not accessible, Is 4anime shutdown?
Unfortunately, free anime sites come and go, and 4anime.to is not an exception. Our original domain 4anime.to is no longer accessible, however, we have moved to 4anime to continue providing free content and safe movie streaming to our beloved users. We have updated the site with the ad-free feature to make sure your streaming is seamless and you are free from viruses and malware.
The Best Place to Watch Anime for Free is 4anime?
4anime has always been one of the best sites for free anime streaming. We provide users with features that are normally exclusive for paid tiers only at premium sites. Now, with the latest version, 4anime, we are confident to be the best anime site you can find on the Internet. We boast an extensive content library, complete safety for users, and superb streaming capabilities. And more importantly, we are available at no cost.
Is it Illegal to Use 4anime?
Watching anime on 4anime is considered legal in the United States. According to copyright attorneys, watching anime online at free sites does not violate the copyright laws. However, if you are caught downloading or sharing pirated content, you might be subject to criminal or civil charges. For your safety, watch your anime of interest online only or turn on a VPN to stay anonymous if you prefer downloading the videos.
Does 4anime Have a New Website?
4anime is our one and only official site after the shutdown of 4anime.to. Therefore, if you come across other sites claiming to be 4anime, avoid them at all costs. They are all fake and might pose risks to your device and identity. Only the real 4anime can provide you a safe streaming experience along with these compromising features:
- Excellent quality content: 4anime is where you can find high quality videos only. All titles come in HD quality to enhance your streaming experience. You will not have to suffer from low-quality images or disruptions caused by lagging on our site.
- No downloading needed: Why download videos when you can watch them online without any lagging or buffering? Especially when downloading takes time and might cause you troubles with the authorities.
- Help you trim your entertainment cost: Instead of paying almost 10 bucks for a monthly subscription on Netflix, Crunchyroll, Funimation, or other premium sites, you can spend that money on a new manga, a nice shirt, or a cheesy pizza for your anime night. 4anime is completely free to use and it would help you save lots in the long run.
- Unlimited access to your favorite anime: You can come and go as you please and all titles are for your usage at no cost. 4anime is free in any sense of the word, no payment, and no limits!